Element: WATER

Yin/Yang: YANG - associated with masculinity, the sun, light, activity, warmth, and the sky. Yang energy is considered to be outward-looking, dynamic, and assertive

Auspicious Direction: NORTHWEST, WEST, SOUTHWEST

Auspicious Colors: GOLD, BLUE, GREEN

Western Zodiac Sign: SAGITTARIUS


The Rat holds the distinction of being the first sign in the Chinese zodiac. Individuals born under the Rat sign are known for their sociable and charming nature. They thrive in social environments and enjoy the company of others.

Their quick assessment of challenges and opportunities, coupled with a strong will and ambition, sets them apart. They have a knack for adapting to unforeseen circumstances and seizing opportunities swiftly, often before others react.

People born in the Year of the Rat are often referred to as Rats. They possess traits like quick-wittedness, keen observation, and optimism, enabling them to adapt well to various situations and seek assistance when needed. However, their ambition in career may be hindered by stubbornness, lack of empathy, and humility, limiting their potential as leaders.

While their ambition is notable, it's important for Rats to be mindful not to impose their ideas on others. Their vibrant personalities make them essential contributors to social gatherings, infusing liveliness with their wit and humor.

Rats are characterized by cheerfulness, sociability, and humor, along with sensitivity and keen observation. They tend to be versatile yet restrained in expressing emotions and are thrifty with their money.

Despite facing challenges calmly and having superior abilities to overcome opponents, they may fall into traps due to temptation. Maintaining modesty and avoiding greed can lead to promising lives for Rats.

Characterized by hard work and goal-oriented behavior, Rats may come across as selfish or stubborn due to their unwavering dedication to their objectives. Those who understand them recognize the sincerity behind their pursuits.

Rats excel as talented organizers, tackling even the most challenging problems with fairness, expecting reciprocity. Deception or trust abuse deeply offends them.

In social settings, Rats are open, gregarious, and welcome at any party. They engage as interesting conversationalists, generously offering compliments and attention.

However, if misunderstood, they may exhibit a more critical side. Rats value privacy and seek understanding from others, so it's essential not to push or corner them.

Highly sociable, Rats exude charm and vivacity, thriving in social environments. They possess strong willpower and ambition, adept at quickly assessing obstacles and opportunities.

While they enjoy social interaction, they should be cautious not to impose their ideas on others. Their lively wit and humor make them indispensable at gatherings.

As Rats age, they become more tolerant and wise, tempering their tendency to set excessively high goals. In social settings, they are open, engaging, and humorous, generously sharing compliments and attention. However, if they feel misunderstood, a more critical side may surface.

Rats highly value privacy and react strongly if trust is compromised. Respecting their need for privacy is crucial for maintaining positive relationships with them.


February 10, 1948 - January 28, 1949
February 07, 2008 - January 25, 2009
January 24, 1936 - February 10, 1937
February 19, 1996 - February 06, 1997
January 28, 1960 - February 14, 1961
January 25, 2020 - February 11, 2021
February 15, 1972 - February 02, 1973
February 11, 2032 - January 30, 2033
February 02, 1984 - February 19, 1985
January 30, 2044 - February 16, 2045
Earth Rat

1948 | 2008


Earth Rats are a blend of amiability, honesty, and modesty, coupled with a strong work ethic and high adaptability. Their self-esteem is robust, and their approach to work is nothing short of serious. These individuals are known for forging strong connections, often receiving support and assistance from those around them due to their excellent rapport. While they may initially encounter misunderstandings with colleagues, these hurdles are temporary. Once overcome, the relationships forged can turn into enduring friendships.

Despite their many positive traits, Earth Rats must be wary of a tendency to inadvertently sideline their family life. Their focus on professional and social engagements can sometimes lead to a neglect of family bonds and marital relationships, areas that require their attention and care. Furthermore, Earth Rats face the risk of underachievement if they do not heed the lessons of their past experiences. By reflecting on and learning from these, they can unlock greater successes and fulfill their potential.

Fire Rat

1936 | 1996


Fire Rats exude an infectious energy and bravery that set them apart. They balance a warm and quiet demeanor with a firmness towards themselves that is admirable. Renowned for their boundless vitality and courage, Fire Rats confront challenges head-on, never shying away from difficulty or danger. While they may seem reserved, they are unafraid to voice their opinions boldly when given the opportunity, though their directness can sometimes lead to unintended offense.

In matters of the heart, Fire Rats are steadfast and generous, ready to go to great lengths for their loved ones without harboring any regrets, even in the face of unrequited love. Their nature is a complex tapestry of enthusiasm, valor, strict self-discipline, and occasional sharpness.

The advice for Fire Rats is profound yet simple: "Don't exhaust yourself in pursuit of what isn't meant for you. Often, life's greatest gifts arrive unexpectedly, in moments of serendipity rather than through relentless chase."

Metal Rat

1960 | 2020


Metal Rats are the quintessential workhorses, driven by an insatiable desire to work hard and amass wealth. With a temperament that is at once feisty and sensitive, they are characterized by remarkable strength and a determination that is as commendable as it is unwavering. Their candor is matched by an extraordinary, though sometimes misguided, self-confidence, and a work ethic that could easily outshine the most dedicated of workers. Such is the Metal Rat's conviction in their beliefs that only a monumental shift could sway their opinion.

However, their most notable trait, an intense focus on their goals, can be both a boon and a bane. This tunnel vision, while often leading to success, can also result in significant downfalls, thus distributing Metal Rats equally between the realms of prosperity and hardship. Their temperament is complex, marked by quick tempers and a tendency towards jealousy, yet they are undeniably smart, talented, and possess a keen self-awareness.

Metal Rats share a deep bond with their family, placing great value on these relationships. Their love for money is palpable, underscoring the necessity for self-discipline to steer clear of financial pitfalls. Success for Metal Rats lies in managing their fiery temper and curbing their possessive tendencies. Despite their outward assurance and positivity, Metal Rats often grapple with internal worries, many of which are the result of their own insecurities and fears.

Water Rat

1972 | 2032


Water Rats are a blend of astuteness and caution, marked by their eloquence, wisdom, and strategic acumen. From an early age, Water Male Rats display remarkable capabilities that blossom into greatness with maturity, leading them to enjoy a tranquil and prosperous life. Water Female Rats, while equally adept, are advised to temper their loquacity to steer clear of potential pitfalls.

Possessing an exceptional knack for navigating the realms of power and strategy, Water Rats excel in aligning their actions with the prevailing currents, opting for a path of least resistance. This conservative approach often garners them favorable fortunes. However, Water Rats are encouraged to heed a crucial piece of advice: their sharpness and tactical mind, though advantageous, should be wielded with care to maintain and nurture relationships, lest their shrewdness become a wedge between them and others.

Alert and intelligent, Water Rats think brilliantly but tend to apply their knowledge in a conservative manner. This blend of insight and restraint defines their journey, suggesting that while their strategic minds are their greatest asset, a balance must be struck to ensure their relationships remain intact and flourishing.

Wood Rat

1984 | 2044


Wood Rats embody a captivating mix of principles and charm, marked by their independence, self-confidence, and a commendable blend of virtue and talent. Their commitment to teamwork is profound, navigating through life with a strong adherence to principles and the ability to adapt their strategies flexibly to achieve their aspirations. Despite their quest for security, Wood Rats are often driven by an underlying anxiety, fueling their diligent work ethic.

With their appealing personalities, Wood Rats are naturally inclined to support and care for those around them. They have a thorough understanding of laws and uphold traditional moral values, which, combined with their collaborative spirit, allows them to excel in team settings. However, this does not always translate to success in gaining the favor of influential figures, which may hinder their advancement in professional spheres. Nevertheless, their independence and high self-esteem command widespread respect.

The journey of Wood Rats is one of transformation—from a challenging childhood to a harmonious family life, where concerns over basic needs are alleviated. Wood Male Rats enjoy a leisurely and autonomous existence, blessed with a supportive spouse, though they might face distant relationships within their familial circle due to a lack of support from siblings. Wood Female Rats, with their virtuous and talented nature, navigate life with independence and popularity, albeit tinged with a hint of pessimism.




Rats are often praised for their intelligence and quick thinking, showcasing an impressive ability to navigate through challenges with resourcefulness and ingenuity. Their adaptability and cleverness make them exceptional problem solvers, complemented by a keen intuition.


With a personality that is both bright and captivating, those born under the Year of the Rat are poised for significant achievements, particularly in acquiring wealth. Their charm enhances their appeal, while their familial and protective nature underscores their devotion to loved ones.


Demonstrating thriftiness, rats approach financial matters with caution, highlighting their skillfulness across various life aspects. They embody integrity and moral uprightness, coupled with an attractive demeanor.


Rats are known for their idealistic perspective, and within the Chinese zodiac, they are heralded as symbols of prosperity. Their adventurous spirit and willingness to explore new avenues, along with a serene and steady temperament, mark them as sensual and affectionate beings, brimming with talents.


Open-mindedness and adaptability are key traits, positioning rats as astute entrepreneurs ready to venture into new opportunities.


Rats can sometimes show a tendency to be overly possessive in their relationships, and they may be particularly discerning or particular about specific preferences. In certain scenarios, they might adopt a defensive posture. There is also a possibility of them leaning towards excessive behavior in their actions.


A vulnerability to addictive patterns may be noticeable in some individuals born under this sign. Their decision-making process might occasionally suffer from variability or unpredictability.


Rats could sometimes be seen as overly cautious with resources, bordering on parsimonious. A few may demonstrate a demeanor that is perceived as arrogant or self-aggrandizing.


The inclination to take charge in a commanding or overbearing manner is another trait, as is a propensity for exploiting situations to their advantage. An inherent tendency towards anxiety or excessive worry is also notable.


Rats might find themselves frequently engaged in debates or disagreements, often holding strong opinions on various topics. This can sometimes result in them appearing domineering or too assertive. Additionally, a focus on self, to the extent of being considered self-centered, may be evident in their behavior.



Love relationships for individuals born in the Year of the Rat tend to be less satisfying. While they may attract many friends of the opposite sex, they often exhibit indulgent and negative behavior, fueled by jealousy, which can damage their reputation. It's advised for Rats to control themselves in romantic relationships.

Rats are passionate and attentive partners, expressing their emotions openly. They seek involvement and care from their partners, valuing security above all else. Once reassured, they become loving and devoted companions. Despite their love for indulgence, they are sensitive to criticism.

In relationships, Rats aspire to find capable and excellent partners, particularly in career matters. Contrary to belief, they prioritize inner feelings and chemistry over money or appearance. Despite their flirtatious nature, Rats are honest and faithful once committed, expecting the same from their partners.


Element: WATER

Yin/Yang: YANG - associated with masculinity, the sun, light, activity, warmth, and the sky. Yang energy is considered to be outward-looking, dynamic, and assertive

Auspicious Direction: NORTHWEST, WEST, SOUTHWEST

Auspicious Colors: GOLD, BLUE, GREEN

Western Zodiac Sign: SAGITTARIUS


The Rat holds the distinction of being the first sign in the Chinese zodiac. Individuals born under the Rat sign are known for their sociable and charming nature. They thrive in social environments and enjoy the company of others. Their quick assessment of challenges and opportunities, coupled with a strong will and ambition, sets them apart. They have a knack for adapting to unforeseen circumstances and seizing opportunities swiftly, often before others react.

People born in the Year of the Rat are often referred to as Rats. They possess traits like quick-wittedness, keen observation, and optimism, enabling them to adapt well to various situations and seek assistance when needed. However, their ambition in career may be hindered by stubbornness, lack of empathy, and humility, limiting their potential as leaders. While their ambition is notable, it's important for Rats to be mindful not to impose their ideas on others. Their vibrant personalities make them essential contributors to social gatherings, infusing liveliness with their wit and humor.

Rats are characterized by cheerfulness, sociability, and humor, along with sensitivity and keen observation. They tend to be versatile yet restrained in expressing emotions and are thrifty with their money. Despite facing challenges calmly and having superior abilities to overcome opponents, they may fall into traps due to temptation. Maintaining modesty and avoiding greed can lead to promising lives for Rats.

Characterized by hard work and goal-oriented behavior, Rats may come across as selfish or stubborn due to their unwavering dedication to their objectives. Those who understand them recognize the sincerity behind their pursuits. Rats excel as talented organizers, tackling even the most challenging problems with fairness, expecting reciprocity. Deception or trust abuse deeply offends them.

In social settings, Rats are open, gregarious, and welcome at any party. They engage as interesting conversationalists, generously offering compliments and attention. However, if misunderstood, they may exhibit a more critical side. Rats value privacy and seek understanding from others, so it's essential not to push or corner them.

Highly sociable, Rats exude charm and vivacity, thriving in social environments. They possess strong willpower and ambition, adept at quickly assessing obstacles and opportunities. While they enjoy social interaction, they should be cautious not to impose their ideas on others. Their lively wit and humor make them indispensable at gatherings.

As Rats age, they become more tolerant and wise, tempering their tendency to set excessively high goals. In social settings, they are open, engaging, and humorous, generously sharing compliments and attention. However, if they feel misunderstood, a more critical side may surface. Rats highly value privacy and react strongly if trust is compromised. Respecting their need for privacy is crucial for maintaining positive relationships with them.




Rats are often praised for their intelligence and quick thinking, showcasing an impressive ability to navigate through challenges with resourcefulness and ingenuity. Their adaptability and cleverness make them exceptional problem solvers, complemented by a keen intuition.


With a personality that is both bright and captivating, those born under the Year of the Rat are poised for significant achievements, particularly in acquiring wealth. Their charm enhances their appeal, while their familial and protective nature underscores their devotion to loved ones.


Demonstrating thriftiness, rats approach financial matters with caution, highlighting their skillfulness across various life aspects. They embody integrity and moral uprightness, coupled with an attractive demeanor.


Rats are known for their idealistic perspective, and within the Chinese zodiac, they are heralded as symbols of prosperity. Their adventurous spirit and willingness to explore new avenues, along with a serene and steady temperament, mark them as sensual and affectionate beings, brimming with talents.


Open-mindedness and adaptability are key traits, positioning rats as astute entrepreneurs ready to venture into new opportunities.


Rats can sometimes show a tendency to be overly possessive in their relationships, and they may be particularly discerning or particular about specific preferences. In certain scenarios, they might adopt a defensive posture. There is also a possibility of them leaning towards excessive behavior in their actions.


A vulnerability to addictive patterns may be noticeable in some individuals born under this sign. Their decision-making process might occasionally suffer from variability or unpredictability.


Rats could sometimes be seen as overly cautious with resources, bordering on parsimonious. A few may demonstrate a demeanor that is perceived as arrogant or self-aggrandizing.


The inclination to take charge in a commanding or overbearing manner is another trait, as is a propensity for exploiting situations to their advantage. An inherent tendency towards anxiety or excessive worry is also notable.


Rats might find themselves frequently engaged in debates or disagreements, often holding strong opinions on various topics. This can sometimes result in them appearing domineering or too assertive. Additionally, a focus on self, to the extent of being considered self-centered, may be evident in their behavior.


February 10, 1948 - January 28, 1949
February 07, 2008 - January 25, 2009
January 24, 1936 - February 10, 1937
February 19, 1996 - February 06, 1997
January 28, 1960 - February 14, 1961
January 25, 2020 - February 11, 2021
February 15, 1972 - February 02, 1973
February 11, 2032 - January 30, 2033
February 02, 1984 - February 19, 1985
January 30, 2044 - February 16, 2045
Earth Rat

1948 | 2008


Earth Rats are a blend of amiability, honesty, and modesty, coupled with a strong work ethic and high adaptability. Their self-esteem is robust, and their approach to work is nothing short of serious. These individuals are known for forging strong connections, often receiving support and assistance from those around them due to their excellent rapport. While they may initially encounter misunderstandings with colleagues, these hurdles are temporary. Once overcome, the relationships forged can turn into enduring friendships.

Despite their many positive traits, Earth Rats must be wary of a tendency to inadvertently sideline their family life. Their focus on professional and social engagements can sometimes lead to a neglect of family bonds and marital relationships, areas that require their attention and care. Furthermore, Earth Rats face the risk of underachievement if they do not heed the lessons of their past experiences. By reflecting on and learning from these, they can unlock greater successes and fulfill their potential.

Fire Rat

1936 | 1996


Fire Rats exude an infectious energy and bravery that set them apart. They balance a warm and quiet demeanor with a firmness towards themselves that is admirable. Renowned for their boundless vitality and courage, Fire Rats confront challenges head-on, never shying away from difficulty or danger. While they may seem reserved, they are unafraid to voice their opinions boldly when given the opportunity, though their directness can sometimes lead to unintended offense.

In matters of the heart, Fire Rats are steadfast and generous, ready to go to great lengths for their loved ones without harboring any regrets, even in the face of unrequited love. Their nature is a complex tapestry of enthusiasm, valor, strict self-discipline, and occasional sharpness.

The advice for Fire Rats is profound yet simple: "Don't exhaust yourself in pursuit of what isn't meant for you. Often, life's greatest gifts arrive unexpectedly, in moments of serendipity rather than through relentless chase."

Metal Rat

1960 | 2020


Metal Rats are the quintessential workhorses, driven by an insatiable desire to work hard and amass wealth. With a temperament that is at once feisty and sensitive, they are characterized by remarkable strength and a determination that is as commendable as it is unwavering. Their candor is matched by an extraordinary, though sometimes misguided, self-confidence, and a work ethic that could easily outshine the most dedicated of workers. Such is the Metal Rat's conviction in their beliefs that only a monumental shift could sway their opinion.

However, their most notable trait, an intense focus on their goals, can be both a boon and a bane. This tunnel vision, while often leading to success, can also result in significant downfalls, thus distributing Metal Rats equally between the realms of prosperity and hardship. Their temperament is complex, marked by quick tempers and a tendency towards jealousy, yet they are undeniably smart, talented, and possess a keen self-awareness.

Metal Rats share a deep bond with their family, placing great value on these relationships. Their love for money is palpable, underscoring the necessity for self-discipline to steer clear of financial pitfalls. Success for Metal Rats lies in managing their fiery temper and curbing their possessive tendencies. Despite their outward assurance and positivity, Metal Rats often grapple with internal worries, many of which are the result of their own insecurities and fears.

Water Rat

1972 | 2032


Water Rats are a blend of astuteness and caution, marked by their eloquence, wisdom, and strategic acumen. From an early age, Water Male Rats display remarkable capabilities that blossom into greatness with maturity, leading them to enjoy a tranquil and prosperous life. Water Female Rats, while equally adept, are advised to temper their loquacity to steer clear of potential pitfalls.

Possessing an exceptional knack for navigating the realms of power and strategy, Water Rats excel in aligning their actions with the prevailing currents, opting for a path of least resistance. This conservative approach often garners them favorable fortunes. However, Water Rats are encouraged to heed a crucial piece of advice: their sharpness and tactical mind, though advantageous, should be wielded with care to maintain and nurture relationships, lest their shrewdness become a wedge between them and others.

Alert and intelligent, Water Rats think brilliantly but tend to apply their knowledge in a conservative manner. This blend of insight and restraint defines their journey, suggesting that while their strategic minds are their greatest asset, a balance must be struck to ensure their relationships remain intact and flourishing.

Wood Rat

1984 | 2044


Wood Rats embody a captivating mix of principles and charm, marked by their independence, self-confidence, and a commendable blend of virtue and talent. Their commitment to teamwork is profound, navigating through life with a strong adherence to principles and the ability to adapt their strategies flexibly to achieve their aspirations. Despite their quest for security, Wood Rats are often driven by an underlying anxiety, fueling their diligent work ethic.

With their appealing personalities, Wood Rats are naturally inclined to support and care for those around them. They have a thorough understanding of laws and uphold traditional moral values, which, combined with their collaborative spirit, allows them to excel in team settings. However, this does not always translate to success in gaining the favor of influential figures, which may hinder their advancement in professional spheres. Nevertheless, their independence and high self-esteem command widespread respect.

The journey of Wood Rats is one of transformation—from a challenging childhood to a harmonious family life, where concerns over basic needs are alleviated. Wood Male Rats enjoy a leisurely and autonomous existence, blessed with a supportive spouse, though they might face distant relationships within their familial circle due to a lack of support from siblings. Wood Female Rats, with their virtuous and talented nature, navigate life with independence and popularity, albeit tinged with a hint of pessimism.



Love relationships for individuals born in the Year of the Rat tend to be less satisfying. While they may attract many friends of the opposite sex, they often exhibit indulgent and negative behavior, fueled by jealousy, which can damage their reputation. It's advised for Rats to control themselves in romantic relationships.

Rats are passionate and attentive partners, expressing their emotions openly. They seek involvement and care from their partners, valuing security above all else. Once reassured, they become loving and devoted companions. Despite their love for indulgence, they are sensitive to criticism.

In relationships, Rats aspire to find capable and excellent partners, particularly in career matters. Contrary to belief, they prioritize inner feelings and chemistry over money or appearance. Despite their flirtatious nature, Rats are honest and faithful once committed, expecting the same from their partners.

Element: WATER

Yin/Yang: YANG - associated with masculinity, the sun, light, activity, warmth, and the sky. Yang energy is considered to be outward-looking, dynamic, and assertive

Auspicious Direction: NORTHWEST, WEST, SOUTHWEST

Auspicious Colors: GOLD, BLUE, GREEN

Western Zodiac Sign: SAGITTARIUS


The Rat holds the distinction of being the first sign in the Chinese zodiac. Individuals born under the Rat sign are known for their sociable and charming nature. They thrive in social environments and enjoy the company of others. Their quick assessment of challenges and opportunities, coupled with a strong will and ambition, sets them apart. They have a knack for adapting to unforeseen circumstances and seizing opportunities swiftly, often before others react.

People born in the Year of the Rat are often referred to as Rats. They possess traits like quick-wittedness, keen observation, and optimism, enabling them to adapt well to various situations and seek assistance when needed. However, their ambition in career may be hindered by stubbornness, lack of empathy, and humility, limiting their potential as leaders. While their ambition is notable, it's important for Rats to be mindful not to impose their ideas on others. Their vibrant personalities make them essential contributors to social gatherings, infusing liveliness with their wit and humor.

Rats are characterized by cheerfulness, sociability, and humor, along with sensitivity and keen observation. They tend to be versatile yet restrained in expressing emotions and are thrifty with their money. Despite facing challenges calmly and having superior abilities to overcome opponents, they may fall into traps due to temptation. Maintaining modesty and avoiding greed can lead to promising lives for Rats.

Characterized by hard work and goal-oriented behavior, Rats may come across as selfish or stubborn due to their unwavering dedication to their objectives. Those who understand them recognize the sincerity behind their pursuits. Rats excel as talented organizers, tackling even the most challenging problems with fairness, expecting reciprocity. Deception or trust abuse deeply offends them.

In social settings, Rats are open, gregarious, and welcome at any party. They engage as interesting conversationalists, generously offering compliments and attention. However, if misunderstood, they may exhibit a more critical side. Rats value privacy and seek understanding from others, so it's essential not to push or corner them.

Highly sociable, Rats exude charm and vivacity, thriving in social environments. They possess strong willpower and ambition, adept at quickly assessing obstacles and opportunities. While they enjoy social interaction, they should be cautious not to impose their ideas on others. Their lively wit and humor make them indispensable at gatherings.

As Rats age, they become more tolerant and wise, tempering their tendency to set excessively high goals. In social settings, they are open, engaging, and humorous, generously sharing compliments and attention. However, if they feel misunderstood, a more critical side may surface. Rats highly value privacy and react strongly if trust is compromised. Respecting their need for privacy is crucial for maintaining positive relationships with them.




Rats are often praised for their intelligence and quick thinking, showcasing an impressive ability to navigate through challenges with resourcefulness and ingenuity. Their adaptability and cleverness make them exceptional problem solvers, complemented by a keen intuition.


With a personality that is both bright and captivating, those born under the Year of the Rat are poised for significant achievements, particularly in acquiring wealth. Their charm enhances their appeal, while their familial and protective nature underscores their devotion to loved ones.


Demonstrating thriftiness, rats approach financial matters with caution, highlighting their skillfulness across various life aspects. They embody integrity and moral uprightness, coupled with an attractive demeanor.


Rats are known for their idealistic perspective, and within the Chinese zodiac, they are heralded as symbols of prosperity. Their adventurous spirit and willingness to explore new avenues, along with a serene and steady temperament, mark them as sensual and affectionate beings, brimming with talents.


Open-mindedness and adaptability are key traits, positioning rats as astute entrepreneurs ready to venture into new opportunities.


Rats can sometimes show a tendency to be overly possessive in their relationships, and they may be particularly discerning or particular about specific preferences. In certain scenarios, they might adopt a defensive posture. There is also a possibility of them leaning towards excessive behavior in their actions.


A vulnerability to addictive patterns may be noticeable in some individuals born under this sign. Their decision-making process might occasionally suffer from variability or unpredictability.


Rats could sometimes be seen as overly cautious with resources, bordering on parsimonious. A few may demonstrate a demeanor that is perceived as arrogant or self-aggrandizing.


The inclination to take charge in a commanding or overbearing manner is another trait, as is a propensity for exploiting situations to their advantage. An inherent tendency towards anxiety or excessive worry is also notable.


Rats might find themselves frequently engaged in debates or disagreements, often holding strong opinions on various topics. This can sometimes result in them appearing domineering or too assertive. Additionally, a focus on self, to the extent of being considered self-centered, may be evident in their behavior.


February 10, 1948 - January 28, 1949
February 07, 2008 - January 25, 2009
January 24, 1936 - February 10, 1937
February 19, 1996 - February 06, 1997
January 28, 1960 - February 14, 1961
January 25, 2020 - February 11, 2021
February 15, 1972 - February 02, 1973
February 11, 2032 - January 30, 2033
February 02, 1984 - February 19, 1985
January 30, 2044 - February 16, 2045
Earth Rat

1948 | 2008


Earth Rats are a blend of amiability, honesty, and modesty, coupled with a strong work ethic and high adaptability. Their self-esteem is robust, and their approach to work is nothing short of serious. These individuals are known for forging strong connections, often receiving support and assistance from those around them due to their excellent rapport. While they may initially encounter misunderstandings with colleagues, these hurdles are temporary. Once overcome, the relationships forged can turn into enduring friendships.

Despite their many positive traits, Earth Rats must be wary of a tendency to inadvertently sideline their family life. Their focus on professional and social engagements can sometimes lead to a neglect of family bonds and marital relationships, areas that require their attention and care. Furthermore, Earth Rats face the risk of underachievement if they do not heed the lessons of their past experiences. By reflecting on and learning from these, they can unlock greater successes and fulfill their potential.

Fire Rat

1936 | 1996


Fire Rats exude an infectious energy and bravery that set them apart. They balance a warm and quiet demeanor with a firmness towards themselves that is admirable. Renowned for their boundless vitality and courage, Fire Rats confront challenges head-on, never shying away from difficulty or danger. While they may seem reserved, they are unafraid to voice their opinions boldly when given the opportunity, though their directness can sometimes lead to unintended offense.

In matters of the heart, Fire Rats are steadfast and generous, ready to go to great lengths for their loved ones without harboring any regrets, even in the face of unrequited love. Their nature is a complex tapestry of enthusiasm, valor, strict self-discipline, and occasional sharpness.

The advice for Fire Rats is profound yet simple: "Don't exhaust yourself in pursuit of what isn't meant for you. Often, life's greatest gifts arrive unexpectedly, in moments of serendipity rather than through relentless chase."

Metal Rat

1960 | 2020


Metal Rats are the quintessential workhorses, driven by an insatiable desire to work hard and amass wealth. With a temperament that is at once feisty and sensitive, they are characterized by remarkable strength and a determination that is as commendable as it is unwavering. Their candor is matched by an extraordinary, though sometimes misguided, self-confidence, and a work ethic that could easily outshine the most dedicated of workers. Such is the Metal Rat's conviction in their beliefs that only a monumental shift could sway their opinion.

However, their most notable trait, an intense focus on their goals, can be both a boon and a bane. This tunnel vision, while often leading to success, can also result in significant downfalls, thus distributing Metal Rats equally between the realms of prosperity and hardship. Their temperament is complex, marked by quick tempers and a tendency towards jealousy, yet they are undeniably smart, talented, and possess a keen self-awareness.

Metal Rats share a deep bond with their family, placing great value on these relationships. Their love for money is palpable, underscoring the necessity for self-discipline to steer clear of financial pitfalls. Success for Metal Rats lies in managing their fiery temper and curbing their possessive tendencies. Despite their outward assurance and positivity, Metal Rats often grapple with internal worries, many of which are the result of their own insecurities and fears.

Water Rat

1972 | 2032


Water Rats are a blend of astuteness and caution, marked by their eloquence, wisdom, and strategic acumen. From an early age, Water Male Rats display remarkable capabilities that blossom into greatness with maturity, leading them to enjoy a tranquil and prosperous life. Water Female Rats, while equally adept, are advised to temper their loquacity to steer clear of potential pitfalls.

Possessing an exceptional knack for navigating the realms of power and strategy, Water Rats excel in aligning their actions with the prevailing currents, opting for a path of least resistance. This conservative approach often garners them favorable fortunes. However, Water Rats are encouraged to heed a crucial piece of advice: their sharpness and tactical mind, though advantageous, should be wielded with care to maintain and nurture relationships, lest their shrewdness become a wedge between them and others.

Alert and intelligent, Water Rats think brilliantly but tend to apply their knowledge in a conservative manner. This blend of insight and restraint defines their journey, suggesting that while their strategic minds are their greatest asset, a balance must be struck to ensure their relationships remain intact and flourishing.

Wood Rat

1984 | 2044


Wood Rats embody a captivating mix of principles and charm, marked by their independence, self-confidence, and a commendable blend of virtue and talent. Their commitment to teamwork is profound, navigating through life with a strong adherence to principles and the ability to adapt their strategies flexibly to achieve their aspirations. Despite their quest for security, Wood Rats are often driven by an underlying anxiety, fueling their diligent work ethic.

With their appealing personalities, Wood Rats are naturally inclined to support and care for those around them. They have a thorough understanding of laws and uphold traditional moral values, which, combined with their collaborative spirit, allows them to excel in team settings. However, this does not always translate to success in gaining the favor of influential figures, which may hinder their advancement in professional spheres. Nevertheless, their independence and high self-esteem command widespread respect.

The journey of Wood Rats is one of transformation—from a challenging childhood to a harmonious family life, where concerns over basic needs are alleviated. Wood Male Rats enjoy a leisurely and autonomous existence, blessed with a supportive spouse, though they might face distant relationships within their familial circle due to a lack of support from siblings. Wood Female Rats, with their virtuous and talented nature, navigate life with independence and popularity, albeit tinged with a hint of pessimism.



Love relationships for individuals born in the Year of the Rat tend to be less satisfying. While they may attract many friends of the opposite sex, they often exhibit indulgent and negative behavior, fueled by jealousy, which can damage their reputation. It's advised for Rats to control themselves in romantic relationships.

Rats are passionate and attentive partners, expressing their emotions openly. They seek involvement and care from their partners, valuing security above all else. Once reassured, they become loving and devoted companions. Despite their love for indulgence, they are sensitive to criticism.

In relationships, Rats aspire to find capable and excellent partners, particularly in career matters. Contrary to belief, they prioritize inner feelings and chemistry over money or appearance. Despite their flirtatious nature, Rats are honest and faithful once committed, expecting the same from their partners.


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